The 2010-11 HIV and non-communicable diseases prevalence and risk factors study was a population-based survey which randomly sampled from AHDSS households. It was conducted by a team that included Dr Menken (Principal Investigator), and Drs. Gómez-Olivé and Angotti. The survey interviewed 5,080 individuals age 15 and above (2,080 adults aged 40+), with a 92% response rate for the sexual behavior survey and an 87% response rate for HIV testing. It included a sexual behavior survey (“BERIS”), a survey on general health risk behaviors and conditions (“STEPS”), as well as biometric data collection including HIV testing and testing for cardio-metabolic risk factors.
BERIS Questionnaire: The survey gathered information on respondents’ sexual partnerships in the last two years, previous HIV testing, HIV status disclosure, and ART uptake. These data are linked back to each participant’s household and household members’ AHDSS data (1992-2010) including data on unions, partner deaths, and divorces for each survey respondent. The questionnaire was part of the WHO/INDEPTH study on Global Aging and Adult Health (SAGE-BERIS). It was produced in-house by the Agincourt research team and then, at a workshop in Mwanza, the UNAIDS-sponsored special workshop in Mwanza, Tanzania in 2009, Alpha Network experts provided feedback on the questionnaire based on their sexual behavior questionnaire standards.
STEPS Questionnaire: The survey gathered information on smoking and alcohol history, physical activity, dietary intake, time since last meal, and medication use. The questionnaire was adapted from the STEPS questionnaire on the WHO STEPwise approach to chronic disease risk factor surveillance.
Biometric Data Collection: This included collecting dried blood spots for HIV testing; using point of care instruments to measure random blood glucose, total cholesterol, lipid sub-fractions, and blood pressure; and taking physical measurements of height, weight and waist circumference.
For more information, see:
Gómez-Olivé et al 2013 – for HIV prevalence estimates
Gómez-Olivé, Francesc Xavier, Nicole Angotti, Brian Houle, Kerstin Klipstein-Grobusch, Chodziwadziwa Kabudula, Jane Menken, Jill Williams, Stephen Tollman, and Samuel J. Clark. 2013. “Prevalence of HIV among Those 15 and Older in Rural South Africa.” AIDS Care 25(9):1122–28.
Clark and Houle 2014 – for Heckman selection to account for non-response.
Clark, Samuel J., and Brian Houle. 2014. “Validation, Replication, and Sensitivity Testing of Heckman-Type Selection Models to Adjust Estimates of HIV Prevalence.” PLoS ONE 9(11).
Clark et al 2015 – for NCD prevalence estimates
Clark, Samuel J., F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Brian Houle, Margaret Thorogood, Kerstin Klipstein-Grobusch, Nicole Angotti, Chodziwadziwa Kabudula, Jill Williams, Jane Menken, and Stephen Tollman. 2015. “Cardiometabolic Disease Risk and HIV Status in Rural South Africa: Establishing a Baseline.” BMC Public Health 15 (1): 135.