We conducted KIIs with HIV counselors and nurses working in the three main public health clinics in the Agincourt sub-district. KIIs provide an important supplement to our qualitative interviews, adding the perspective of health workers about HIV risk and protection, HIV testing and treatment for adults, and the larger health care institutional environment in which older adults transition to older ages. Key informants were asked about their interactions with older adults in the clinic,particularly their experience counseling older men and women about HIV risk, testing and treatment. Key informants also provided historical and contemporary perspectives on the HIV epidemic, including perspectives based on their familiarity with the health, legislative and welfare systems governing individuals’ lives in the communities in which they work.
For more information, see:
Mojola, Sanyu A. and Nicole Angotti [joint first author]. 2019. “Sometimes it is not about men”: Gendered and Generational Discourses of Caregiving HIV transmission in a rural South African community. Global Public Health (doi: 10.1080/17441692.2019.1606265)