Figure 2: Qualitative Analytic Plan, Data Sources and Measures

Sample publications:
Angotti, Nicole, Sanyu A. Mojola, Enid Schatz, Jill Williams, F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé. 2018 ‘Taking Care’ in the Age of AIDS: Older Rural South Africans’ Strategies for surviving the HIV Epidemic. Culture, Health and Sexuality. 20(3): 262-275
Mojola, Sanyu A. and Nicole Angotti [joint first author]. 2019. “Sometimes it is not about men”: Gendered and Generational Discourses of Caregiving HIV transmission in a rural South African community. Global Public Health https://doi: 10.1080/17441692.2019.1606265
Mojola, Sanyu A, Nicole Angotti, Danielle Denardo, Enid Schatz and F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé. 2020. The End of AIDS? HIV and the New Landscape of Illness in Rural South Africa. Global Public Health